dn.no/d2June 2021 "Design icon sprayed by street artist"Eikund x Whatson features in the Norwegian newspaper magazine D2. - I work with contrasts between the classic and the urban, somewhere between the underground and the commercial, says Whatson. He was an active...
Eikund featured on ICFF.com
ICFF.comJune 2021 Eikund featured on ICFF.comWe are excited to be taking part in the International Contemporary Furniture Fair, over in New York on the 14th and 15th of November. With a selection of both established and emerging designers, the International...
Norway is at the top of the world in design, but we need more Norwegian support!
PLNTY.noJune 2021 "Norway is a world leader in design, but we need a larger Norwegian turnout!"In Norway in the recent months, there has been an architecture uprising. It has attracted a great deal of attention, especially on social media where it seems like everyone...
The Nordic Heritage of Eikund finds a new home at StylecraftHOME
Habitusliving / StylecraftJune 2021 The Nordic Heritage of Eikund finds a new home at StylecraftHOME [...] With a capacity crowd in the Melbourne showroom, Stylecraft founder Anthony Collins introduced the brand then crossed live to Norway for an introduction to...
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